Monday, April 9, 2012

today was another good day

 her shirt says" daddy thinks im one cool chick"
 zachie came to play today, he got way into coloring
then hannah spencer came over to help me this evening.  I just heard a little knock and SUPRISE!  A cute teenager was at my door asking if I needed any help!  What a nice suprise, she put Julia to sleep for me while I cleaned up the house.
Video 1:  anna playing with zachie.  they are seriously like brothers (yes, brothers - not brother and sister).  They like to tackle eachother.  I walked into the room and anna was on top of zachie.  crazy girl.

video 2:  my laundry crew.  anna is trying to fold towels lately.  she gets pretty close!  Julia is somewhat safe in the bassinet.

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