sort of a lame party. all everyone wants to do is sleep.
Anna is 1 week old. I thought I would write more about her birth today. Amy covered most of what all happened. I was so tired that I dont really remember anything. I tried to write in my journal right after - unsuccessful - so here is what I remember.
friday night: we were supposed to be induced with misaprostil (dont know how to spell that). we got turned away
saturday morning: went to hospital very early ~5:30 am. got told we had to wait until 11:00 to be induced because they were short staffed. we ditched and went shopping for plants at fred myers.
Saturday afternoon: got started with the prostaglandin. felt like really bad period cramps - but not enough to keep richard and me from sneaking out of the hospital to go buy gummy bears and hard candy for me. Also we ate good hospital food. i did million lunges to try to get the baby in the right position (she was skeewampus in there)
Saturday evening: about 8 or 9 pm the contrations started to get painful. cat and cow and other yoga works great wonders at this stage.
Saturday night: after my sweet midwife checked me for the 4th time and i wasn't at all progressed (maybe dilated to a 3 or 4 and still 50% effaced, baby still not moved down) - i finally gave in to getting pitocin started at the lowest dose possible. Soon as that happened it was bad.
Late saturday night: labored in the hot tub while richard slept. pitocin made it so i was having a big contraction and then one small one - so it was like a never ending contraction. soon as i got in the tub i couldn't feel the small ones.
Saturday early morning: still wasn't dilated enough so they had to restart pitocin. very painful. thought i was going to die. mostly due to being so tired. at this point i figure i had been in the realy painful part of labor for at least 10 hours. richard rubbed my back but it was more in the front. mostly i was too tired to continue on.
satruday morning morning: got epidural. slept. woke up to news of being to a 10 and 100% effaced. midwife broke water. felt baby move down but not much else.
saturday early afternoon: slept.
Satruday noon: started pushing. so tired i fell asleep between each push.
satruday 2:30: after two hours of pushing (richard counted for me and rich and amy both held my legs). She came. so big so big. started eating right away (atta girl). rich cut the cord. dont remember much else other than being than being so happy to hold my little girl and after they took her being so so so so tired and sleeping.
Wow, you're a brave girl Nicole! Yikes-sounds like an exhausting couple days! So exhausting that it was 2 Saturdays in your story! I think you meant to write Sunday at the end....but I totally understand how sleep deprived you are right now. :P
She's a cutie. And that crazy thing is that you kinda forget how awful labor was...tricky, so that we have more than 1 kid! :)
Oh, I'm so sorry your labor was tough. I hope you got a lot of sleep this past week.
She's getting even cuter each day. Hate to tell you this, but her pictures remind me of someone, and I realized who it was a few days ago. Anna may just look a lot like Steven as a baby. :)
I just celebrated my 1528 week birthday last fryday at Oaks Restaurant. All I wanted to do after is sleep as well.
Wow- long and hard labor. Good thing you are a tough cookie. I'm sure all of our high school workouts helped prepare you for this. =)
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