That no one would ever read your thesis. One went as far to tell us to put 20$ in the back cover of Rich's thesis and if it was still there in 10 years....we could buy ourselves dinner.
.....not only was his thesis read, but it was also quoted...............
pretty crazy, pretty crazy.
Wow you're famous! I guess its too late to get the $20?
Wow.. impressive.
Sucks people had to die for you to get noticed though.
Mom told me about it last night. Pretty crazy, weird stuff.
Wow-congrats! That's exciting! All that time really was worth it. :)
That's cool! Too bad people didn't act on it years ago...
I told my professor about the putting money in your thesis thing and he said he heard the same thing when he was a student at Virginia Tech and decided to flip through a bunch and see if he could get any money- he didn't find any.
I don't think graduate students have that kind of cash lying around...
We are so lucky to have such a smart engineer in our family. Pretty cool stuff, how does it feel to be famous?
So has Larry King called yet, any book deals?
I was wondering if all of the research being referred to in the articles was related to Richard's research. Too bad they didn't pay more attention!And good work on your end! -Heather
Well said Richard-... and Nicole? Nicole.... aren't you glad that you helped edit???? That could have been pretty., um, interesting... if you know what I mean?! No seriously aren't you glad that you didn't leave 20$ in the back... it would have been a waste.
AWESOME! We've been bragging about our smart friends in Oregon to everyone for the past week.
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