Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Albus Severus

I finished The Deathly Hallows today. I can't believe it is over. I wish Harry and Hermoine and Ron were real people - or at least that the book never ended so I could continue their friendship throughout my whole life........Okay, not really. It will be nice to be free from Harry Potter - but I don't think I'll be totally free until the last movie comes out.....

What was your favorite part if you read it? Can you believe the ending? I couldn't it was crazy! Albus Severus that's all i have to say.... I guess now I can focus on my new job - yeah, i also had my first day at a new hospital today (and it was a good day!) - but man - that harry potter..........


Kaelie Nielsen said...

it's a pretty good series for sure

Oblad girl said...

So proud of you for FINALLY reading the books! I totally know what you mean about getting back to regular life... those books are addicting.