Wednesday, September 23, 2009


If you can see past the unfocused fuzz ......this came off of our GREEN ZUCCHINI PLANT. what is it, the world will never know (im not eating this mysterious creature.....). It sort of looks like a wannabe pumpkin......but I'm thinking there may be something to bryan's GIANT TOE philosophy.

Which reminds me of my favorite book from elementary....THE BFG. Anyone else just love that giant and still have nightmares about the anthropophagous giants? whizpopper ring any bells? I wonder if this is actually a snozzcumber.........


Spenny and Nellie Morris said...

I love the BFG! I does look like a snozzcumber!

Nicole said...

yeah, BFG is the best! I knew we were friends for a reason!

Unknown said...

I told you to but that nubby finger back... now you took the warty toe too? Oh man, I hope this giant never finds out where you live.

Nicole said...

i know i hope its not an anthrophagous giant!

Andrew said...