After being in Portland all summer we decided we needed to leave. So we decided we would go on a 825 mile labor day trip. I wouldn't call it vacation. Since we are parents and we are in charge now.
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Here was the trip Route. I (Richard) wanted to go see the Eagle Cap Mountains in Eastern Oregon. Nicole wanted to go to the Redwoods but I guess I won out. So we left Sherwood Friday morning at 8 but on the way out of town I got a call from work and they wanted me to come in. So we detoured to Vancouver WA to the job site for a few hours. i worked while Nicole spent the money (went shopping). At noon we left. We made it to Wallowa State Park at about 7:30 and began to set up camp. Some campers came over to help us set up the tent because I guess we looked pretty bad trying to set up a tent while Nicole was holding a screaming baby. We made it through the night with Anna waking up 2-3 times. (commented inserted from nicole it felt like more than that)
Saturday Morning we went to the Wallowa Lake Tramway to get a view of the Eagle Caps. Thanks for the tip Betew.
The whole mountain was crawling with chipmunks. Nicole was feeding anna here and they kept crawling all over her. I tried to keep them at bay by throwing rocks at swing sticks at them but to no avail. We both had them crawl up on us. One did while Nicole was feeding Anna. i guess it wanted some milk also. I did help them a little with their population control. So after getting chased off the mountain by the chipmunks we headed down.
anna ended up sleeping with us because it was too cold on the 2nd night. (read this as Nicole did not get any sleep for another night) I didn't get as much.
(Thanks again Levi & Jamie. I don't think we could have camped another night and it was great seeing you guys and the food was amazing.
Very cool Richard! I was actually born in Enterprise and lived in Joseph when I was young. Awesome country.
By the way, I have been meaning to tell you how beautiful your daughter is. You are a lucky man my friend.
Yea adventures! Did you know my sis lives in Kennewick?
So maybe camping for the family reunion wouldn't be the best idea? Just wondering because it seems like you a much bigger trooper than me.
How fun! Anna is so cute, you guys!
Amber says- "I love you baby Anna." She likes the fuzzy wuz- "Oh, how cute" was her exact comment. "I love you Richard." That is her next comment. Last of all "I love you Aunt Nicole."
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